Event report
Retour sur : La Journée de la Richesse Humaine
Rediffusion de cet évènement digital conçu pour enrichir votre vision du capital humain !
Event report
Rediffusion de cet évènement digital conçu pour enrichir votre vision du capital humain !
Event report
Retrouvez la rediffusion de l'événement du 3 février : Tout savoir sur le V.I.E en partenariat avec Business France.
Several times a year, under the banner of the HR club, our members meet and share their expertise around various subjects: ...
Suggest an eventRegularly, VPs, directors and HR managers of SMEs or large groups of the French CCI network in Canada meet for an exchange session on best practices and discuss their projects and issues in complete confidentiality.
I am interestedThe French Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to your human resources needs. Thanks to our network of HR experts and partners, we offer you tailor-made support for your project.
Contact usThe French CCI in Canada supports you in your recruitment efforts. Take advantage of visibility on our "Recruitment" page by submitting your vacancies to us by email in PDF format or URL directly. If you have more specific needs, contact us!
Contact usEvent report
Rediffusion de cet évènement digital conçu pour enrichir votre vision du capital humain !
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