Event report
Retour sur : Challenge CCI
Le 14 juillet notre challenge CCI a pris fin après un mois et demi rempli de défis.
CSR issues are increasingly important for companies, whatever their size.
This committee brings together those responsible for this mission, among peers, in order to discuss in complete confidentiality.
First observation: if CSR is a priority for large groups, awareness and concrete actions at the level of each function still remain a daily challenge.
Event report
Le 14 juillet notre challenge CCI a pris fin après un mois et demi rempli de défis.
Event report
Retrouvez la rediffusion : Atelier avec Appstud sur le Green IT et son implémentation dans notre vie personnelle et professionnelle.
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Retrouvez la rediffusion : Une discussion avec Patrick Decostre, Président et chef de direction de Boralex, sur les engagements RSE de Boralex.
Event report
Rediffusion de la conférence sur l’hydrogène vert, démystifier son avenir.
Maya Colombani
PresidentChief sustainability & Human Right Officer L’ORÉAL
Strong of an international career of more than 20 years at L'Oréal, Maya Colombani distinguishes herself through a rich and comprehensive career path. She joined L'Oréal Group's Professional Products Division in 2001. She held positions there in operational marketing as well as in DMI (International Marketing Direction), on the Kérastase and L'Oréal Professional brands. She carried out missions of brand creation in India, before joining L'Oréal Brazil in June 2010 as Marketing and Innovation Director. Since the end of 2016, she has served as Sustainability & Human Rights Director for Brazil.
In this role, she profoundly transformed L'Oréal Brazil's value chain including sustainability impact in all the decision taken from the product creation until the recycling process. She has implemented strong social actions with communities and autochthones, created an impactful Amazonia regeneration program and launched the living wage movement that inspired the L'Oréal Group and positioned L'Oréal Brazil as an international benchmark. L'Oréal Brazil has been regularly cited as a reference and is used to fuel new reflections on environmental challenge, climate change commitment, social protagonism as well as human rights respect, especially in relations with the indigenous peoples of Brazil and communities' inclusion.
Her projects have been rewarded by prestigious rankings such as Guia exame 2017/2018/2019; were recognized as The best company in climate change as well as biodiversity management; and have received the WEP Gold Award 2021 on Women empowerment supported by ONU Women and Compact Global. In 2022, thanks to her strong inclusive social programs for indigenous and communities, the GLOBO recognized L'Oréal Brazil as '' The company that makes the difference in term of inclusion and diversity".
In Canada, Maya's mission, together with the local teams in place, is to increase L'Oréal Canada's positive footprint internally and externally in terms of sustainable value chain transformation, empowering its ecosystem, scaling up its social protagonism and warranty human rights respect.
Event report
Le 26 mai dernier, lors de la rencontre entre pairs de notre comité RSE, nous avons organisé une introduction aux sciences comportementales avec...
Event report
Rediffusion de l'événement du 8 mars : Le Leadership Féminin à l'International.
Event report
Retour sur l'événement du 2 février 2021 : " Le mythe de la relance durable: comment tenter de s'inscrire dans une économie verte?". Nous tenons à...
Event report
Lundi 7 octobre, nous avons réuni un panel de 4 spécialistes dans la certification BCORP et les démarches RSE : Anie Rouleau (The Unscented Company),...
Nous sommes heureux de souligner en ce 5 juin, Journée mondiale de l’environnement, l’engagement et la participation à l’action RSE, voici les podiums
L’engagement durable d’Axionable récompensé par la certification B Corp® !