V.I.E program
The V.I.E. (French International Internship Program) is a solution to recruit youg people aged 18 to 28 for missions abroad.

The French Internation Internship program (V.I.E) is a quick and easy HR solution for any business wishing to set up in a foreign country. This system, managed by Business France, is open to young French citizens as well as to young nationals of the European Economic Area aged 18 to 28 for a professional mission abroad.
The V.I.E solution allows you to:
- Control your budget : exemption from social contributions in France, possibility of financing your V.I.E
- Delegate administrative management to Business France
- Have a flexible HR option : transfers from one country to another, 6 to 24 month contract, pooling of the cost and time of your V.I.E by several companies
Expenses related to a V.I.E most often benefit from national and regional aid : import-export credit, export development loan from Bpifrance, subsidy coverage of a large part of the cost of V.I.E in many French regions, etc...
How to become a V.I.E ?
How to recruit a V.I.E. ?
Coaching offer of a V.I.E at the CCI
The French Chamber of Commerce Canada is a reception structure recognized by Business France, and can host your V.I.E in our Business Center. Surrounded by other V.I.Es and supervised by the CCI team, your V.I.E will benefit from a welcoming and stimulating environment that will enable them to carry out the development mission in perfect conditions. Contact us for details.
We also offer a tutoring service for the V.I.E hosted in our Business Center to give them practical and personalized tips on the Canadian market :
- Tutoring and coaching of the V.I.E by the Executive Director of the CCIFC
- Personalized interview at the start and end of the contract
- Close contact with our Business Development Service (SAE)
- Personalized and practical advice on the approach to the Canadian market, which mistakes to avoid
- Providing of commercial tools
- Monthly meeting of support and advice with the Executive Director of the CCIFC or with the Business Development manager : update on the projects, advice, methodology, useful contacts
- Monthly calls with the parent company
- Access to the entire CCIFC network.